Who Is King Q?
Hello my name is Dwayne aka King Q and thank you for stopping by. I’d like to take this time to tell you briefly about myself. I was born in Trinidad and Tobago, and I had a very comfortable childhood, I did not want for much. I enjoyed hanging out with friends, playing cricket, flying kites and playing video games. My life completely flipped upside down at the age of 11 when my mother, my sister and myself moved to the United States. This was a new world with a ton of obstacles that I believe helped mold me into the man I am now. When bad things happen, people often say why me but not me. I except hardship as if it were a right of passage. I’m talking about not having food to eat or living in a room with my mother that only had enough space for a full size bed and a futon. Everything about my childhood was different to say the least, for example going on the run and living in a domestic violence shelter for two years because my step dad wanted to kill my mother and myself. To becoming an alcoholic at the age of 16 because my sister’s boyfriend would get me drunk every weekend from the age of 13. So many Avenues to make wrong decisions but somehow I made one right decision and that was joining the United States Navy. Joining the Navy help instilled in me discipline, hard work and perseverance. While stationed in Japan I had a horrific accident where I almost killed a Japanese national. So for 17 months I had to go to court and fight for my freedom. During those 17 months I developed an attitude of, well my life is over so I might as well enjoy it. This was where I started drinking heavily again. I was blacking out every weekend and eager to fight anyone who said something I didn’t like. Luckily for me someone was watching and to this day I don’t even know if they know how much of an impact they had on me. LS1 Dixon approached me and said he doesn’t like the path he see’s me going down and I need to find a way to channel that anger and stress. He recommended going to the gym and believe me I had no idea how exhilarating it would be training and setting goals that I could accomplish. Every goal I set and achieved built a little more confidence in me until I said I want to compete. Flash forward 6 years and I’m number 10 in the world. If I could turn my life around and develop new healthy lifestyle habits, just being here reading this means you’re ready to take the leap and take control of your life and health.
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Quality supplements always!!!
My Promise To You
My passion is spreading Health and Fitness to people of all backgrounds. I understand that losing weight and gaining muscle can be challenging, but my mission is to help you overcome all obstacles in your way and reach your goals. With my years of training and competing, I am capable of analyzing your body and creating a fitness plan that will ensure your success.
Have Questions?
Feel free to give us a call! If you have any questions about not only fitness and nutrition but supplementation as well. We have our very own supplement store where you. can give us a call at 360-720-0551 we would love to further assist you.

King Q Nutrition Shop
2415 La Brucherie Rd, Imperial Ca 92251
Mon - Thur, 10:00am - 8:30pm
Fri - Sat, 10:00am - 5:00pm